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Exploring the Challenges and Rewards of Repatriation to Ghana


Are you thinking of saying bye-bye to the American Dream? With the influx of knowledge that there are other places to experience life within, there has been a major interest among all peoples and their desires to settle in the continent of Africa. Whether it be East Africa, South, or West, many people have set their eyes on repatriating to these places. There's much to experience in Africa such as the people, the eye-catching attractions, deliciously inexpensive foods, and cultures that can distract someone from remembering that there is much more in Africa that may require your attention.

Thus, we find that regardless of the conditions that the many Americans find themselves in, there is always a foreigner that is able to see the true beauty of the continent, whether that is by acknowledgement or avoidance. We witness the people of the African continent flocking to Western Civilizations, with apprehension of their own civilizations due to what they describe as a lack of opportunities and vast misfortune. Many Africans wonder why the so-called foreigners choose to come and settle, while the foreigners or those who have lived in Western Civilizations know the exact reasons as to why. But, does this mean that we should leave everything behind to embrace a new place that may have nothing to truly offer? That is where strategic planning comes in.

Differently, the continent of Africa is not equal to the continent of America or maybe even that of Asia. The economies are vastly different and more profoundly, the cultures are very different as well. There are differences in languages, thoughts, and differences in ways of living. Whether these ways of living were adopted by Western Civilization or the maintained culture of the African, the differences are surely there. Research is very important in this day and age, but also the concepts of reality are important as well. Many of those that settle in Africa are coming from Western Civilizations, where water tends to run freely, of course only if you could afford it, and opportunities would sometimes present themselves; yet Africa is entirely different. There are cultures that exist within subcultures, practices that seem dated, and meals that are quite intriguing. So, you must question, are you ready for the changes and adjustments?

Consequently, there are those who choose not to do their diligence in research, they may travel to countries that do not embrace the well-known English language or if you don’t remember to serve someone with your right hand, they will not respect nor dine with you. These things may seem small to someone who has not grown within this culture, but to the one who has been birthed into these types of societies, it is a norm and should be practiced whether someone is newly arrived or seasoned in living on the continent. Many foreigners realize that the money they’ve acquired in their Westernized experiences reaches much further than those that are native to Africa, so, in turn, they spend their money frivolously instead of studying the culture and its ever changing dynamics.

Unfortunately, following this failure of due diligence, a person who originally designated their eyes on settling in Africa, is accompanied by their plane rides to what they knew before. Money, which is an object to increase one’s living experience, is not as easily attained in places where one would consider it to be the ‘land of the free’. In fact, just ten United States Dollars can take someone in Ghana, Africa throughout their entire day whereas in America, 10 dollars can barely buy a person gas or food to eat. This is the reality of things, but it must be cautioned and approached carefully because money can always run out. What can someone do if they bank with American systems and the grid locks down, what happens if they send money abroad to begin the structuring of their newly found home, only to find they’ve spent thousands on merely scams. These incidents happen, they can become costly, and eventually cause a person to hit rock bottom in their efforts of relocating.

However, many of these issues can be avoided. With proper planning, budgeting, and low expectations, the dream can be accomplished. Knowing people that are on the grounds, working with people who house integrity in their minds, and spiritually founded individuals can help someone who is interested in a repatriation; to make the transition smoothly and effectively. This is where we come in. With over 10 years of experience in Africa, we’ve managed to develop important connections with the natives of these lands that can ensure a prosperous future. With changes on the rise in Western Civilization, we find that there may be only a small time that makes or breaks the economy. So, we are actively encouraging people to make a transition to a place where safety can be established–even if only temporary.

Justly, we are here to grant insights as to why planning a repatriation to the continent of Africa is vital, why we avoid certain countries, and how we’ve managed to have success in all of our endeavors. We have heard countless complaints over failed experiences of those who have chosen to settle in Africa from the West. We understand their frustration, but we must also acknowledge that nothing worth having will come easily. As a person who has settled into the continent, it has granted me the opportunity to find that honesty is vital, connections are crucial, and knowledge is power.

In Conclusion, one should not allow the mindsets of others who’ve had negative experiences to change. Especially after hearing of the displeasure from the very few that have arrived on the continent and have experienced failures. Failing comes to all individuals whether inexperienced or experienced, but certain failures can surely be avoided. All in all, remember to not be hasty to allow the media to formulate and change a person's mind to finally experience some form of freedom. Mentally, physically, and spiritually involve the body to practice strategy, diligence, and patience and all will turn out fine.

Shalom, peace, and blessings.

Yours Truly,

Nekha B.

Ghana, West Africa



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